1947 -

Writing as: Robert E. Vardeman

According to Wikipedia: "Robert E. Vardeman is an American science fiction fan and writer [who] was born in Mineral Wells, Texas, but is a longtime resident of Albuquerque, New Mexico. He graduated from the University of New Mexico with a B.S. in physics and a M.S. in materials science. He worked for Sandia National Laboratories in the Solid State Physics Research Department before becoming a full-time writer. He got his start in writing by writing for science fiction fanzines, and was nominated for the 1972 Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer. Vardeman is one of the founders of Bubonicon, a science fiction convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico."

Series Books
Nick Carter (1964) Eighth Card Stud (1980)
  Solar Menace (1981)
  Earth Shaker (1982)
  Norwegian Typhoon (1982)
  Doctor DNA (1982)
  The Outback Ghosts (1983)
  The Kali Death Cult (1983)
  The Yukon Target (1983)