The Aliens Are Coming
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The Aliens Are Coming

Written by Dayton Ward

2nd of 20 stories in the collection Star Trek: Strange New Worlds III, edited by Dean Wesley Smith. Also printed as a solo story.
1969: Captain John Christopher of the U.S. Air Force has just returned from a most peculiar mission to investigate a UFO sighting. But even though the mission took only a few minutes, the captain has vague memory flashes of futuristic humans, a pointy-eared alien named Spock, and a ship called The U.S.S. Enterprise....
Government agent James Wainwright has waited for this fateful day ever since he encountered the conquering Ferengi Marauders Quark, Rom, and Nog in Roswell in 1947. Now he will stop at nothing to use Captain Christopher's secret knowledge to bring his campaign to defend Earth against alien attack to the forefront once again!
Note: Gary Seven, Roberta, and Isis have a small but fun part in the story.

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