The Phantom Chase

The Phantom Chase

Written by Cap Daniels

"When American covert operative Chase Fulton’s life is turned upside down with news almost too good to be true, everything he believes about his world changes in an instant, and the life he dedicated to serving his country and the preservation of freedom suddenly fades out of focus as a new reality becomes the center of his existence. But before the dream of his new life can materialize, one final mission demands his devotion like never before.
American hostages, including a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist, have fallen into the hands of Los Toros, one of the world’s most ruthless and violent drug cartels, and no one is dispatched to rescue the doomed victims. As the truth about why the hostages have been abandoned by their country reveals itself, an even more horrific reality looms on the horizon for Chase and his team of seasoned operatives."